Thursday, July 3, 2014

Meet the Babes! Behind the Scenes Look at the Boot Boogie Babes

I keep getting asked, "who are these ladies on your Boot Boogie Babes dance team"?  They are so cute and such great dancers, and we'd love to know more about them.  So, I'm going to be featuring each member over the course of the next few weeks on my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!    

The Babes just finished performing at the Fremont Solstice Parade and at Seattle Pride Fest.  We are super excited to announce that our latest dance "Bad Girl" to Miranda Lambert & Carrie Underwood's song has gone viral on Youtube!! As of right now it has over 12,000 views!  Have you seen it?  Be'Tina is the Babe in yellow!  

Without further ado, allow me to introduce Miss Be'Tina aka. Flashdance! 

I call her Bopsie Bee, because she bops all over that dance floor!  You can't keep your eyes off her!  She makes everyone stand up and take notice, and you can see the joy bursting out of her heart through her smile when she's on that dance floor. You know this girl loves every stomp she makes with her cowboy boots!  

Let's get to know Boot Boogie Babe Be'Tina!  

15 Questions with Boot Boogie Babe Be'Tina 

1) Name 5 things you can’t live without!

A can of hair spray, mascara,skittles, coke, and my jeep

 2) What’s your favorite song to belt out in the car?

Of course you can't go wrong with spice girls or backstreet

boys, but the one that gets me to crack the window even in

the rain is "I don't wanna miss a thing." -aerosmith!!

3) Tell us your favorite thing to do when you’re NOT dancing?

Eating of course ... No but really I love to bartend! There's  

something about the adrenaline and fast pace environment 

drives me. Plus girl bartenders are bad ass! 

4) Who is your favorite country artist?

Carrie Underwood ... ever since American Idol and my $113

phone bill for voting so many times! Ooops! Sorry Mom!

5) What chore do you absolutely HATE doing?

Dishes! They absolutely repulse me! I'd rather scrub a floor

with a tooth brush for hours. Ick!

6) What’s your favorite holiday and why?

I love winter and Christmas is probably really high up

there.... But there's something about beer and and fireworks!

I absolutely love the 4th of July. Maybe there is a little pyro

in me! ;) ..shhhh! 

7) Give us advice or motto that you live by.

Oh gosh sooooo many... Motto.

"Imperfection is Beauty, Madness is genius and it's better to

be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring".

and my other favorite is, "A girl knows her limits, but a wise

one knows she has none".

8) What’s your favorite body part?

My long legs for sure ... my hazel eyes run a close second

9) Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?

Yes! I Love football! Go Hawks! Baseball in person more so

than on TV, but I'm not really a fan of basketball.

10) Give us three adjectives that your friends would use to

describe you.

HAHA... They would probably tell you I'm independent, 

stubborn, and very outgoing. I usually get the, "tell Be'Tina!

She will do it", and maybe they'd say I'm hilarious. Not funny 

HA HA, but more of the Neopolian Dynamite kind of hilarity. 

11) If you could go back in time to any year or date, where

would you go and why?

The 40's! So I can rock red lip stick and pearls! Not to

mention they're dancing style back then!

12) Favorite pair of cowboy boots?

My grey with black sequence corrals of course!

13) Favorite line dance?

Is this a real question? Can i say all of them?... hmm I really

am digging "Walking to Jerusalem" and "The Force" right

now, but "Fake ID" is a dance I would do with a broken foot!

14) Favorite concert you’ve ever been to!

Other than the fabulous Carrie.. Def Leppard and Poision did

a show together! #amazing

15) You have the tattoo “Let Us Dance” on your shoulder. 

What does that mean to you?

This kinda hits home for me! I got to know Jamie, another 

Babe on the team in 2008, and we hit it off great. Lacey who

is another Babe and I grew up together. We were destined to 

be best friends after finally meeting in junior high. 

Over the year relationships fade or unexpected things happen

and you don't stay close. 

Needless to say Lacey wasn't in my life really when I got close 

to Jamie, and Jamie wasn't in my life when I knew Lacey. I 

ended up loosing touch with both of them, and I went down 

my own path of becoming an adult. 

One Friday Lacey contacts me and says I wan't to take you to a

country bar. I was NOT into country music!

BUT, I went and had a blast! 

Learning new line dances and trying to get out there every 

chance I could was so much fun, and so this became a regular 

Friday thing with me and Lacey. It truly helped reconnect our 

childhood friendship.

One Friday I saw Jamie there too! We had not talked in a

while, and I'm not even sure if were were "friendly" at the

time. So it was kinda weird seeing Jamie. We didn't say

hello to each other, so it was really awkward.

A few weeks go by, and Lacey is busy on Friday. I'm

devastated we were going to miss a week of dancing with

DeAnna Lee. Just then I got a message from Jamie asking

if I was going dancing that night! I immediately let her know

that I would go if she wanted to go!

That night we made a fresh start of our friendship! From

there the past was the past, and me, Jamie, and Lacey became

the 3 Muskateers dancing every week! We would practice

new dances in our free time going to different country bars

to learn. We were soaking up everything we could about

dance! We were all hooked!

Dancing has pulled me through the hard times! I was at a low

point in my life before dance snatched me up and has now 

taken me to incredible places.

Dance became my drug you can say. The tattoo that my 2 best

friends and I have says "Let us Dance" inside the infinity 


Dancing brought us together again, and no matter where life 

takes us or who we grow up to be or where we end up in the 

world, I never will forget these past 2 years of my life with

these girls. No matter if we live next door, the next room, or 

countries apart dancing will always will make me think about 

these girls and remind me of my passion for it. TO INFINITY 


That's our sweet Be'Tina! Reading that brought a tear to my

eye. Dance is THAT powerful! It can bridge any gap, mend

wounds, and make you feel on top of the world! I'm so glad

dance has done this for you Be'Tina! We love our Boot Boogie

Babe Bee!

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