Friday, July 18, 2014

Meet The Babes- Behind The Scenes Look at Lacey

Our behind the scenes look at the Boot Boogie Babes continues this week.  We are about to get a closer look at Lacey!  But first I want to remind you about our performance THIS Sunday at Seattle Pro-Am Basketball games!  

We were rehearsing a few months ago when the Operations Manager of Seattle Pro-Am saw us and asked if we would consider performing at their games this summer!  The Babes got so excited!  

So THIS Sunday at the 2:30 pm & 4 pm games The Boot Boogie Babes will be the half time entertainment!  It's on $5 per person!  Basketball & Babes at SPU!  

We hope to see you there! 

Now let's meet Lacey aka. Sassafrass! 

I really love choreographing dances and teaching them to Lacey, because she's like a sponge.  She just soaks it all up and always dances with so much passion.  It's dancers like Lacey that inspire me to push myself to create more, because Lacey can dance anything!  I know she has an extensive background in dance and performing, and B3 is so lucky to have her on this team.  

Here we go:

15 Questions with Lacey our lovable Sassafrass: 

1) Name 5 things you can’t live without.

Only 5?  There are so many things that I could choose from but I guess if I have to choose my family/friends, my little dog jewels, phone, nail polish and SHOES!!! I love shoes!!

 2) What’s your favorite song to belt out in the car?

Again another one with so many answers. Right now I am diggin" an older song called "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars and of course "Bad Girl" by Miranda and Carrie!!!

3) Tell us your favorite thing to do when you’re NOT dancing.

Shopping!! lol For real I love spending time with my family and friends.

4) Who is your favorite country artist?
Love me some Sugarland and Love and Theft. All time favorite has to be Garth Brooks.

5)What chore do you absolutely HATE doing?

I really don't like doing the dishes, but the worst is cleaning the bathroom!!

6) What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Any holiday I get to spend time with my family! My favorite is Christmas. I love seeing people's faces when they open gifts from me it gives me such a thrill to see the excitement and joy on there faces!

7) Give us advice or motto that you live by. 

My all time favorite mottos come from the late and great Maya Angelou quotes and here are some of my favs!!

" If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude"!

" I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".

 8) What’s your favorite body part?
I love my eyes which by the way change colors!! (just a fun fact about me) But on a guy it has to be a pair of nice looking, strong arms! ;-)

 9) Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?

I will go to any sporting event, and I love football!  I will watch it anytime any where!! Go HAWKS!!

10) Give us three adjectives that your friends would use to describe you.

I guess they would say DETERMANED/STUBBURN which could be two but I say they go together. I like being right and wont stop till I get what I want. Once I set my mind on something I won't stop till I get it! Probably LOYAL because I will always have their backs. They would say I am loud or have a big mouth. If you knew my family would understand I pretty sure its hereditary! hahaha 

 11) If you could go back in time to any year or date, where would you go and why?
If I had to choose specific years it would be the 1900s! Which is the time period that some of my favorite musicals are based. ( Meet Me in St. Louis and Oklahoma)!  I like different things than most people my age. I spent a lot of time with my great grandma and she got me in to musicals. I love during that time period that everyone was so put together and well mannered. The men would always be in suits and women were in long hand made dresses. Everything during this time was just beautiful.

12) Favorite pair of cowboy boots?

Any boots are my favorite cause like I said before I LOVE shoes!! Corrals are my most favorite brand! 

13) Favorite line dance? 

I am like a dance called force right now and really all of the Boot Boogie Babes dances! I try to get out on the dance floor whenever there is a dance I know. 

14) Favorite concert you’ve ever been to! 

N'sync, Carrie Underwood (with my bestie Be'Tina), Usher (with Jamie and Be'Tina), and Taylor swift puts on an awesome concert. Best concert I have been to has to be Backstreet Boys and best memory from that concert was that Be'Tina and I decorated my moms car with shoe polish and when I say decorate I mean the WHOLE car!! bumper to bumper hehehe 

 15) You have the tattoo “Let Us Dance” on your shoulder. What does that mean to you? 


This tattoo connects three best friends and the thing they love to do! But to me its more than that.  It means to never stop something that you love regardless of what others say. I know there are always gonna be haters out there, but every time I look at this tattoo it reminds me to never stop not for anyone!! And the girls that have the same tattoo are more then just friends or even best friends, they are part on my family. We may have our ups and downs which all friends and family do, but looking in the mirror and seeing this tattoo tells me we will always make it back to each other! I love them more then I can put in to words!

Why do you dance?

I dance because it make me happy, and its a great way to work out with out actually working out!! lol I have always been a dancer from a very young age. Thanks to my mom who put me in every kind of dance class she could. I love her for this because dancing will always be apart of me and that's because of her. I love you MOM!! I have done so many types of dance from ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, irish step, ballroom and even cheer ( for my high school and with a group called Jr. Sea gals) and quite a few more. What can I say I love it!!! <3

Share with us how you got into line dancing...

I started line dancing about 2 1/2 years now and it is all thanks to a coworker I used to work with her name was Amber! ( I will always be thankful to her for taking me to Jacks) After that first day I was hooked and never turned back. Went out and got my self some boots and have been stomping them ever since. Friday nights became Bourbon Jacks night! And I have brought people with me on this country journey. Practicing at work, home and even in the car!  lol Ok maybe not quite in the car, but I would visualize that dance and the steps over and over again in my head. Even to this day I dance at work!  My co workers and boss look at me like I'm a crazy person, but you cant stop something you love, sometimes I don't even realize that I'm dancing at work. 

I have to give a big shout out Miss DeAnna Lee for all her lessons on Friday nights. Without her awesome choreography that has kept me going and wanting more I don't know where I would be. I love line dance and country music.. B3 for life!! Cant wait to see what is in store for our team, the sky the limit all we can go is up....  


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